7 Vitamins to Avoid Colon Cancer
We at Las Vegas Gastroenterology make it our business to offer the best care in preventative diagnostics and cutting edge technologies to diagnose colon cancer. Above all, we want to educate you, the patient, who we have vested interest in, about how to avoid colon cancer. There are many things you can do to prevent colon cancer among which are diet, exercise, and avoiding red meats and fatty meats, and taking vitamin D.
From The Susan Cohan Colon Cancer Foundation comes these real life ways you can prevent con cancer:
Vitamins & Supplements: Using vitamins to prevent cancer is called chemoprevention. Antioxidants have been studied for their effects in cancer prevention and risk reduction. They may defend against cell damage caused by unstable molecules, known as free radicals. Beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and A, and other substances are antioxidants, and are found in tea, red wine, and chokeberries or Anthocyanin-rich extract.
Aspirin has been linked to some studies in cancer prevention. This is because aspirin can block the enzyme cyclooxygenase2 (COX-2), which is produced by many tumors. A Recent study by the University of Oxford found that 75 mg. of aspirin taken daily for five years lowered the risk of colorectal cancer by 24 per cent and the risk of dying from colon cancer by 35 per cent. There are side effects associated with an aspirin plan.
- Calcium, when taken with vitamin D, is thought to be linked to cancer prevention. Daily use of calcium carbonate, resulted in a 15 per cent reduction in colorectal adenomatous polyp recurrence. Calcium is commonly found in dark green vegetables, some grains, legumes, and nuts. Calcium supplements, when taken daily may protect against colon polyps for lactose sensitive individuals.
- Curcumin has been studied for its effects in cancer prevention. Curcumin is a type of ginger commonly used in Indian food. It has great anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. The Study suggests taking 3.6 grams of curcumin daily.
- Also eating curries that rich in turmeric are great as well.
- Garlic is a bulb that may reduce the risk of developing cancer, particularly gastrointestinal tract cancers. Garlic contains antibacterial properties, and may be able to prevent the formation and activation of cancer-causing substances, and boost DNA repair.
- Folic Acid and B Vitamins may also aid in colon cancer prevention. Recent research suggests a deficiency in folic acid has been linked to cancer.
- Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids-Omega-3 PUFA’s are healthy fatty acids and may be linked to colon cancer prevention. They are predominantly found in fish and nuts.
- Selenized Yeast-A recent Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Study found a statistically significant reduction in the cases of colorectal cancer, as well as other cancers, through taking selenized yeast.
- Soy-Recent studies suggest that soy may be helpful in preventing colon cancer. The studies were most effective with postmenopausal women. It is important to note than many people are sensitive to soy. Please consult your doctor before consuming.
- Statins-Are drugs that lower cholesterol and certain fats in the blood. Statin drugs are being studied for the prevention and treatment of cancer. There are many side effects with these drugs and the use of statins needs further research.
- Vitamin D is really not a vitamin at all, but in fact a fat-soluble prohormone that has been linked to the reduced risk of colon cancer. The results have not been consistent though. Vitamin D exists naturally in sunlight, eggs, fish, oil and store bought supplements.
Other vitamins such as Reishi mushrooms, IP-6, Magnesium and Citrus Bioflavanoids are hinted to have colon cancer prevention properties but still require further research.
If you are diagnosed with colon cancer, our gastroenterologists we will assertively do everything we know how to do to remove it. Our Gastroenterology doctors Dr. Noel Fajardo, is a specialist in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester in MN. He also holds an advanced Fellowship Degree in Gastroenterology Motility and is ABIM-Board Certified in GI and IM.
We have two of the best GI Doctors in Las Vegas on our staff:
Dr. Filippo Cremonini, MD, PhD, MSc is a graduate of the Catholic University of Rome, Italy. He finished his residency in Internal Medicine. He finished his residency at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, where he obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Research and earned a PhD in Gastroenterintestinal Physiology. He specialized in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and holds a title of full Professor of Gastroenterology with the Italian Ministry of University MIUR.
Dr. Cremonini is ABIM-Board Certified in GI and IM. He has written over 150 publications in the field of Gastroenterology and received numerous awards for research in Europe and in the USA. Dr. Cremonini has appeared on KTNV Channel 13 News in Las Vegas.
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